Thursday, May 14, 2009


Garrett left at the end of April for his PCT adventure and I was determined to stay busy, stay active and accomplish checking off items on my to-do list. Staying active, probably the hardest. Not because I don't like being active, it's just I'm not very good at it managing into my days. After the 8 to 5 and commute, we all find it hard to squeeze more than dinner before bed. This leaves me with walking up to 3 days a week with Ali when I work in Palo Alto and Saturdays and Sundays.

Rachel is my sort of neighbor who rides the morning bus at the same time I do. Being the shy person I am... I of course started yapping and got to know her. I was telling her about practicing Bikram on the weekends and she was interested in trying it out. I warned her that I prefer going to the early morning class - 7:45am and she was still interested! She did the 10 day trial and liked it so much she signed up for a package and now I have a buddy! Soooooo much nicer! So much more motivating! We go Saturday and Sunday mornings and at least one night a week. The night class is from 7:45-9:15 so it makes for a late night for me, but worth it. be cont.

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