Thursday, May 14, 2009

My new Experience: Bikram

So after I finished my first half marathon with Team In Training, I had this wonderful, powerful feeling! If I could find the motivation and determination to stick with training to run a half marathon, and by the way... I didn't even like running 10 feet before attempting this... then to stick with something and give it 100% to then make the decision whether I liked it or not, was the way I wanted to experience all new activities. With my busy life, barely being able to find time to go to the gym or make plans with friends, I feel I have to really commit to one thing at a time to fully experience it and determine if it's something I am going to fall in love with or simply enjoy for the experience that it was. I was prepared to not fall in love with running, but I did it anyway so I could really know. My body was not a fan and mentally it drove me mad. Unless of course I could run every time with a friend and make it a social activity, then it was actually pretty nice! (minus any injuries... again my body wasn't too happy with this choice of activity).
I decided Bikram (hot) yoga was going to be my next physical challenge. Why? I'm not entirely sure how I decided that. I wanted to do yoga because I really enjoy stretching and I need to do activities that strengthen my core due to my lower back issues. However, Bikram sounded like much more of a challenge. I don't enjoy being hot and I don't really enjoy sweating... so to do yoga in a 100 degree room with sweaty people definitely sounded more challenging and physical. I ran... I can sweat for 90 minutes... right? I procrastinated a bit on this... until one day our friend PJ said he went all the time and I should join him one weekend morning. So I did. :)

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